A tornado is a rotating column of air that extends from a thunderstorm to the ground. They can cause fatalities and devastate communities in a matter of seconds. Not all tornadoes may be visible at first, and they could occur at any time of day or night. Planning and practicing how and where you take shelter could save your life.
Wisconsin averages 23 tornadoes a year. Peak tornado season in Wisconsin is April to August, but they can occur any time of year.
The next Wisconsin statewide tornado drill will occur on April 10, 2025, at 1:45 and 6:45 p.m. At those times we encourage everyone to discuss and practice their tornado safety plans.
The statewide tornado drill occurs annually during Wisconsin Tornado and Severe Weather Awareness Week.

Tornado Watch
Tornadoes are possible. Watch the sky and stay tuned to a NOAA Weather Radio, commercial radio, or television for information. Watch for alerts on your smartphone and check social media for information from trusted sources.

Tornado Warning
A tornado has been spotted or indicated by weather radar. Take shelter immediately. A warning can cover parts of counties or several counties in the path of danger.
additional resources
WI DHS Severe Thunderstorms and tornadoes toolkit:

FEMA Safe Room criteria:

Tornado and Severe Weather Awareness Week school packet:

Tornado and Severe Weather Awareness Week Press Release:

Tornado and Severe Weather Awareness Week Proclamation: