Start developing a plan by bringing your family together to discuss potential hazards. Identify the different kinds of disasters that are possible in your area. Talk about how you will respond to them if you are at home, at school, at work, or out of town.

Family meeting places — If you need to get out of the house quickly or you are away from home for the day, designate a safe meeting location for your family. Read more…

Family communications — Discuss how members of your family will get in contact with each other during an emergency. Designate a contact outside of your area, just in case local phone connections are jammed up. Read more…

Seniors — Dealing with medical conditions or other specialized needs during an emergency can be difficult. Make sure you plan for how you will get around or access essential medical care. Read more…

Disabilities and functional needs — If you or someone close to you has a disability or a functional need, you may have to take additional steps to protect them in an emergency. Read more…

Planning for pets — Pets are members of the family too. Make sure you have a plan in place for evacuating your pet in an emergency or following a disaster. Read more…

Shelter in place — In certain disasters, such as a chemical emergency, the best place for you to be may be inside your home. Find out how remain safe if it’s too dangerous to go outdoors. Read more…

Additional resources
Family Communication Plan for Parents
Family Communication Plan for Kids