Recovering from a disaster can take time and money. It’s important to consider your financial preparedness while developing your disaster plan. That can include setting money aside to help support yourself while waiting for additional aid and making sure key personal financial, insurance, medical, and other records are accessible – even if you are unable to return home.
Consider putting together an Emergency Financial First Aid Kit to help strengthen your financial preparedness for disasters and emergencies.
Assess and compile important financial documents and contacts
Review your insurance policies and financial paperwork for accuracy and be sure they are current
Revisit and update your Emergency Financial First Aid Kit regularly
Records and contact information to include in an Emergency Financial First Aid Kit
Once you have collected your financial, legal, and contact information for your Emergency Financial First Aid Kit, it’s important to keep the information safe.
Report any identity theft, the misuse of checking accounts, financial document theft, or loss of credit/debit cards or government-issued identification. If you believe your emergency financial first aid kit was stolen, immediately contact all financial institutions, insurance agencies, or similar companies to explain the situation.
additional resources
Emergency Financial First Aid Kit tips and checklists:

National flood insurance program:

Technology is making it easier than ever to prepare for emergencies, but it can be unreliable if there are power disruptions.
Be Informed
Make A Plan

additional resources
Emergency Alerts:

Having the documents you need after a disaster will help you start the recovery process quickly. Think about the documents you would need to help identify yourself, request assistance, and important medical information.
In addition, take time now to think about the priceless personal items you want to protect from damage or take with you if you needed to suddenly evacuate your home.
Critical documents
Household identification: Think about documents that you need to identify yourself and household members, including children and pets, relationship, or status. These may include:
Financial and legal documentation: If your home or income is impacted by a disaster, you will need documentation to request assistance from insurance providers and from government assistance programs.
Medical information
Emergency or hotline contact information for household
Valuables and priceless personal items
Protecting your documents and valuables
Once you have gathered your documents and valuables it is essential to protect them
additional resources
Electronic encryption for sensitive information:

Emergency Financial First Aid Kit:

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